"Can you imagine a school without desks? A school where children are moving as part of their lessons? And most importantly, they are smiling and healthy?" asks Mayo Clinic obesity researcher James Levine, M.D., Ph.D. If so, you have imagined the latest anti-obesity concept-project from Mayo Clinic — the classroom of the future. [1]
James Levine is proposing new innovative concepts (listed below) which can be integrated into the non-traditional classroom. Some of these ideas have the potential to reduce obesity while allowing learning to be fun. Please tell me what you think about some of these concepts?
1) Video-streamed "pod-casting" as a teaching aid
2) "Learn 'n Move" bays — a step beyond traditional learning stations
3) Wireless technology
4) Personalized laptop computers
5) Vertical magnetic work spaces that double as projection screens
6) Innovative telemetry that collects data for scientific comparison
7) Personalized white boards (instead of one large blackboard for a room)
8) "Standing" desks — where the children will stand and work, rather than sit
Check out the entire article at
[1] (Tuesday, March 14, 2006).Mayo Clinic Obesity Researchers Test "Classroom of the Future. Mayo Clinic News Releases, Copyright ©2001-2009 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All Rights Reserved.