Friday, March 12, 2010
Live Blogging at the Macul Conference
Below is a Blog from the session titled "Inquiry in the Lab - Using Probeware to Experience Science". The presenter, Victor Chen, provided information on activities that he successfully incorporated in his classroom utilizing devices such as motion sensors, a pressure monitor (syringe activity) and an interesting site related to science. We hope you enjoy our blog.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Teaching Exponential Decay with Candy

Activity Directions:
1) Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before doing this activity. You need to have clean hands before starting this activity.
2) Form small groups of 4-5 people.
3) Please get the following materials:
• One metal tray
• 2 blue cups
• Bag of M & M’s
4) Count the M&M’s in your bag, and ensure that a "m" is stamped on each M&M. Non-visible m’s can be exchanged. You should have a 100 M&M’s in your bag.
5) Each person should record the data for this activity in the following table:

6) Each group is to shake their cup and spill their M-&-M's into their tray. Count the number of M-&-Ms that land "m"-side-up, then remove them from the tray and place them in a "holding" cup. Use the table above (labeled "# Spills", "# M-side-up", and "# Remaining"), record the appropriate numbers. Put the remaining M & Ms back into the shaking cup.
7) Repeat this cycle of spilling the candies into the tray, counting and removing those pieces that land M-side-up. Record the number removed until there are no candies left.
8) Graph spill number versus total number of M&M’s (Spill #, Total # M&M’s) on graphing paper.
9) Please answer the following questions:
A.) What type of function best fits your data (i.e. linear, exponential growth, or other?) and why?
B.) Please write the general equation for the function you selected above.
C.) What is the initial value?
D.) What is the decay factor?
E.) Please write the equation of the graph model (i.e. equation that best fits your collected data)
10) What did you learn doing this activity?
11) What questions do you still have?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Where are the Role Models?
As I finally had the opportunity to watch television over the winter break, I was disappointed by the frequency of the negative news reports in the media on today’s public figures. Reflecting on this past year (2009), celebrities such as Tiger Woods, Miley Cyrus, Michael Phelps, Britney Spears, and Michael Jackson were just some of the potential role models surrounded by much controversy and speculation. Although we may never know what personal struggles these prominent people experienced as children, the characteristics portrayed by the media often leave young people, and in particular students, struggling to find a role model to emulate.
News reports that motivate school-aged children and serve to build their confidence are seldom found in today’s media. Public figures and celebrities can have a significant impact on young people and as educators it is important to identify those who qualify as credible role models. However, finding the right role models to actively and consistently provide a positive influence on today’s youth and inspire them is not an easy task. As we start off the New Year, we have high aspirations for public figures and celebrities to fill the existing role model gap.
Fortunately, for dyslexic students there is a list of potential role models, consisting of famous, successful people who have overcome their struggles with dyslexia. Check out the following website to discover who else is on the list.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Learning to use Live Blogging
Monday, November 2, 2009
Using Video Games to Reinforce Key Physics and Math Concepts
This game could be used to reinforce concepts related to friction and corresponding normal force (via tire pressure and performance trade offs), vehicle dynamics (e.g. acceleration/deceleration, momentum), dampening and concepts related to aerodynamics (e.g. drag)
Below is a video of a testimonial from a highschool student who enjoys playing Forza while at the same time has increased his understanding of automobiles and related physics concepts.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Explaining Pythagoreans Theorem with Clay-animation
Using clay-animation is a creative way to teach students mathematics concepts, such as the Pythagorean theorem. For example, the Pythagorean theorem is a relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle.
The theorem can be written as:
Note the demonstration shows how the two blocks start out with equal area (comprised of red triangles and blue squares). Taking away the 4 red triangles from each side of the equation, results in one large blue box (equal to C squared) and on the right side of the equation there are two blocks (A squared plus B squared). By manipulating the blocks, students can better understand how this physical relationship can be true. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
When students ask "Where does math come from?"
The ancient Chinese civilization also used math. According to Greenberg ancient China was mainly concerned about "practical matters" and developed the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art which included hundreds of problems on surveying, agriculture, engineering, and taxation (yes even math for taxation!). However, the Greeks ultimately developed and debated rigorous proofs. However, it doesn't stop there. Pythagoras was a spiritual leader, and along with his followers pursued mathematical studies. The Pythagoreans developed the concept of whole numbers and made observations regarding the length of vibrating strings with respect to harmonious sounds. These are just a few facts in a long line of mathematics history. To learn more you may want to check out Chapter 1 from the book Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry by Marvin Jay Greenberg.
Information referenced in this blog taken from:
Greenberg, M. (2008). Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries: Development and history. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company